Jessica Chloé Astrology

Jessica Chloé Astrology coaching is a 1-on-1 container to give you unshakable confidence in who you are, at your core. In my coaching services and products, I share with you my pearls of wisdom that allowed for me to reclaim my authentic voice. My astrology coaching will offer pointed guidance to your own areas of emotional slip ups, and leave you feeling secure and safe in yourself, despite any challenges that may arise!

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Gold Medal Private Coaching (6 sessions)


Gold Medal Private Coaching (6 sessions)


Over a 6 month period we will meet monthly to achieve a miracle. My coaching technique blends akashic reads, astrology, shamanic insights and affirmations pinpointed to your needs.

Our first meeting, we will recognize your heart’s goal and create an actionable plan that protects your progress and makes you aware of windows to explore your heart’s dream now.

Our second meeting we will uncover blocked feelings around your dreams, and adjust your actions to a focus that is affirming.

Our third meeting, we will set up your ability to believe in your progress, the value your goal will bring to your life and allow for you to decide you will achieve your vision.

Our fourth meeting, we will see how your project can bring more of you into it, and what your soul is asking for in regards to your goal.

In our fifth meeting, we will see what thinking patters can go, and see what it will take for your heart to recieve the goods of a new life.

Our conclusive meeting number six will help you to stay on track and blossom into being.



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